Palaa kohteeseen Walking through history

The old windmill


Ruins of the mill.

A splendid destination for a spring or summer picnic are the old windmill ruins found at Myllykallio in Rakila. Myllykallio or Myllyvuori as it is sometimes called is situated on the left side of Museotie about half a kilometer east from Lupinmäki. There has not been found any information about the windmills history, its owner or its users. From the foundations that are left can be concluded that it has been round in shape. If you are very exact, you can find an old terraced path which starts near the mill and runs west alongside the cliff.


Mervi Hyppänen, translation in English Kati Forknall


Old road to the mill.


(Käyntejä 9.7.2020 alkaen 258, 1 tänään)