New Deal käyttöjärjestelmän tuki

Löysin näköjään vanhan NewDeal Office käyttiksen teknisen tuen dokumentit, englanninkielisiä, paitsi yksi, jonka ehdin suomentaa ennen kuin lafka meni konkurssiin. ”last Modified 20 Sep 1999”. Laitan härpäkkeen tähän, jos joku vielä tarviaa.

Rannantaikaa lehti taitettiin tämän käyttöjärjestelmän taitto-ominaisuudet sisältävällä erinomaisella Writerilla vielä vuonna 2006, seitsemän ensimmäistä vuotta. Vasta vuonna 2007 ensimmäinen numero taitettiin Scribuksella ja se oli siis kahdeksas vuosikerta.


Juo Littoisten Verkatehtaan Kahvikaljaa ja selvitä Flash Gordonin Takamäkijuttu!


New Dealin työpöytä jopa 286 Pc koneella.

New Dealin työpöytä jopa 286 Pc koneella.

NewDealin teknisen tuen dokumentteja

Suomennan näitä sivuja hiljakseen. Suomennetut linkit näkyvät lihavoituna, toistaiseksi niitä on vain yksi: nro 204.
Ilkka Ahmavaara.

Applications | Compatibility | Configuration | DOS and Windows
Error Messages | General Information | Hardware | Installation
Networks | Printing | Usage | Hot Tips


201 Installation Step-By-Step
How to install your NewDeal software
203 NewComm Tips
Tips for using NewComm
204 Tiedostojen tuonti ja vienti (muuntaminen)
File formats that can be Imported to and Exported from NewDeal software
205 Printer List
A list of the printer choices in NewDeal software
The absolute least you should know about your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files
207 Launch Pad
How to configure Launch Pad to connect to your ISP
208 NewDeal and Windows 3.1
How to run NewDeal software from Windows 3.1 or Workgroups 3.11
209 Common Questions and Answers
Some common questions and answers about using NewDeal software
210 Maximize Your Memory
How to optimize your computer’s memory
211 NewDeal and OS/2
Using NewDeal software with OS/2
212 Error: KR-09 and KR-07
Trouble shooting the system error messages ”System Error: KR&-07” or ”KR-09”
213 Modems
Procedures for installing and trouble shooting a modem
214 Printing Help, General
This may help you solve problems printing from NewDeal software
215 Printing Speed
Tips for increasing print speed in NewDeal software
216 Complete Communicator
How to setup and use your Complete Communicator with NewDeal software
217 Mouse Help
Tips about installing and using your mouse
218 Fax Support
How to fax your NewDeal documents
219 Damaged Documents
Preventing damaged files and recovering damaged documents
Tässä vertaillaan ajan Windowsien laitevaatimuksia NewDealiin.

Tässä vertaillaan ajan Windowsien laitevaatimuksia NewDealiin.

220 Fonts and Font Formats

Information about NewDeal fonts and different font formats
221 Error Messages
A list of the error codes in NewDeal software
222 Speed Performance
Suggestions to increase the speed performance of NewDeal software
223 File List
A list of files in NewDeal SchoolSuite
224 Installation Help
Information and help about installing NewDeal software
225 Mail Merge
How to use Mail Merge in NewWrite
226 Defusing Geos 1.x Clip Art
Questions and answers about defusing Geos 1.0 or 1.2 clip art for use with NewDeal software
227 Disk Drives and Diskettes
Tips for solving problems accessing floppy and hard disks and drives
228 CD-ROM Manager, Sony and NEC
How to upgrade your Geoworks Sony or NEC CD-ROM Manager software to NewDeal software
230 Math Coprocessor or Error KR-04
What to do if you have problems with NewCalc, NewFile, Calculator, or if you get error KR-04
231 Launchers
How to create launchers, and how to solve launcher problems
232 System Error: KR-12 and KR-15
How to solve the error messages KR-12 and KR-15
233 Creating Custom Backgrounds
Using NewDraw to create customized background images
234 Banners in NewDraw
How to create and print banners in NewDraw
235 Video Support
All about using your video board and monitor with NewDeal software
236 Share Table Overflow
How to correct the ”Share Table Overflow” error message
237 Fonts and Clip Art from Geos 1.x
How to install Geoworks 1.x Font Packs and Clipart Libraries into NewDeal software
238 XT, 8088, 8086 Computers
NewDeal software and your XT machine
239 Upgrading Old Documents
How to upgrade documents created in older versions of Geoworks software
240 Memory Types in Preferences
A brief explanation of the Extra Memory Types available under the Computer module of Preferences
241 Bindery, Simple Instructions
Simple, step-by-step instructions for using Bindery to make a Book Reader file
242 Unlisted Printers
How to set up your printer if it isn’t on NewDeal’s list of printers
243 DR-DOS, Novell DOS, Caldera DOS
Running NewDeal software under DR DOS, Novell DOS 7, or Caldera OpenDOS
244 Automatically Start NewDeal
How to make your computer automatically start NewDeal when you turn it on
245 NewDeal and MS-DOS
Information on running NewDeal software under MS­DOS
246 Critical Error: General Failure
What to do if you get the error message, Critical Error: General Failure
247 Color Printing
Information about printing in color with NewDeal software
248 Damaged Hard Drive
How to check your hard drive for bad sectors, and how to repair them
249 Label Printing
How to create labels using NewDex and NewFile
250 NewDex Won’t Dial
What to do if NewDex won’t dial your phone
251 Envelope printing
Printing envelopes, including instructions for the HP DeskJet 500 and 550C
252 How to Get Help
NewDeal’s technical support and customer service policies
253 Back Up Original Program Disks
Procedure to make back up copies of your NewDeal software
254 DOS Errors: Environment Space,
The causes and the cures for some common DOS error messages
255 Lantastic Networks
A discussion about NewDeal software and LANtastic networks
256 Novell Networks
Using NewDeal software with Novell Netware
257 Connect Feature in NewManager
Link your computer to another computer or to a GEOS-based CCD
258 Sheet Feeders
If your dot-matrix or inkjet printer feeds extra sheets of paper
259 Print to File
Creating output files for printers, fax modems, and other programs
260 Testdisk.bat, Checking Floppy Disks
How to use TESTDISK.BAT or DEBUG or SID to analyze a disk and check for bad data or viruses
261 Shortcut Keys, Quick Navigation
Quick Navigation in NewDeal software
262 Forcing NewDeal to See COM or LPT ports
How to use DEBUG (or SID) to force NewDeal software to recognize your serial or parallel ports
263 NewPlanner
Tips about using NewPlanner
264 User Groups
Information on how to find local user groups
265 GEOS.INI Tricks
Tips, tricks, and traps in modifying your GEOS.INI file, for advanced users
266 Revision History
A list of changes from one version of the software to the next
267 More DOS Tips
Miscellaneous notes about using DOS commands and about various DOS error messages
268 Glossary
Definitions of some commonly used words and expressions related to NewDeal software
269 NewDeal and Windows NT
Information about running NewDeal software from Windows NT
270 Introduction to DOS Commands
Information about using common DOS commands
271 Windows 95 or 98 and NewDeal
Information about using NewDeal software with Windows 95 or Windows 98
272 Printers, Printers, Printers
This document contains notes about using specific printers with NewDeal software.
273 Print Drivers
Specifics about NewDeal print drivers
274 Accessibility Options
Information about configuring NewDeal software for all computer users
275 Extras
What are these applications in the Extras folder?
276 Geoworks 1.x and 2.x
Things you should know if you have Geoworks software, or if you have just upgraded from Geoworks to NewDeal
277 ODI Ethernet Driver
How to configure and use the ODI Ethernet Driver to connect NewDeal software to the Internet over a Local Area Network
278 Hardware Compatibility Notes
Tips about using NewDeal software with various computers and peripheral hardware devices
279 Other Networks
Notes about using NewDeal software with networks other than Novell, LANtastic, or LanManager
280 NewDeal and Linux
Tips from NewDeal customers who use Linux
281 Connecting To The Internet
Information about choosing an Internet Service Provider and setting up NewDeal to connect to the Internet
282 All About Y2K
Information about NewDeal software Y2K readiness, how to test your computer for Y2K issues, and what to do if you find a problem
283 NewMail
Tips about using NewDeal’s E-mail client


Top of Page



203 NewComm Tips
207 Launch Pad
225 Mail Merge
228 CD-ROM Manager, Sony and NEC
233 Creating Custom Backgrounds
234 Banners in NewDraw
241 Bindery, Simple Instructions
250 NewDex Won’t Dial
257 Connect Feature in NewManager
261 Shortcut Keys, Quick Navigation
263 NewPlanner
275 Extras
283 NewMail


Top of Page



204 Import and Export Formats
208 NewDeal and Windows 3.1
211 NewDeal and OS/2
243 DR-DOS, Novell DOS, Caldera DOS
245 NewDeal and MS-DOS
255 Lantastic Networks
256 Novell Networks
269 NewDeal and Windows NT
271 Windows 95 or 98 and NewDeal
278 Hardware Compatibility Notes
279 Other Networks
280 NewDeal and Linux
282 All About Y2K


Top of Page



208 NewDeal and Windows 3.1
210 Maximize Your Memory
211 NewDeal and OS/2
222 Speed Performance
240 Memory Types in Preferences
243 DR-DOS, Novell DOS, Caldera DOS
244 Automatically Start NewDeal
245 NewDeal and MS-DOS
265 GEOS.INI Tricks
269 NewDeal and Windows NT
271 Windows 95 or 98 and NewDeal
274 Accessibility Options
281 Connecting To The Internet


Top of Page


DOS and Windows

208 NewDeal and Windows 3.1
210 Maximize Your Memory
211 NewDeal and OS/2
236 Share Table Overflow
243 DR-DOS, Novell DOS, Caldera DOS
245 NewDeal and MS-DOS
254 DOS Errors: Environment Space,
267 More DOS Tips
269 NewDeal and Windows NT
270 Introduction to DOS Commands
271 Windows 95 or 98 and NewDeal
280 NewDeal and Linux


Top of Page


Error messages

212 Error: KR-09 and KR-07
219 Damaged Documents
221 Error Messages
227 Disk Drives and Diskettes
229 System Error: KR-04
230 Math Coprocessor
232 System Error: KR-12 and KR-15
236 Share Table Overflow
246 Critical Error: General Failure
248 Damaged Hard Drive
250 NewDex Won’t Dial
254 DOS Errors: Environment Space,
260 Testdisk.bat, Checking Floppy Disks
282 All About Y2K


Top of Page


General Information

201 Installation Step-By-Step
204 Import and Export Formats
205 Printer List
209 Common Questions and Answers
220 Fonts and Font Formats
223 File List
252 How to Get Help
253 Back Up Original Program Disks
264 User Groups
266 Revision History
268 Glossary
274 Accessibility Options
281 Connecting To The Internet
282 All About Y2K


Top of Page



(See also Printing)
213 Modems
216 Complete Communicator
217 Mouse Help
218 Fax Support
227 Disk Drives and Diskettes
230 Math Coprocessor
235 Video Support
238 XT, 8088, 8086 Computers
248 Damaged Hard Drive
250 NewDex Won’t Dial
260 Testdisk.bat, Checking Floppy Disks
262 Forcing NewDeal to See COM or LPT ports
278 Hardware Compatibility Notes
282 All About Y2K


Top of Page



201 Installation Step-By-Step
208 NewDeal and Windows 3.1
211 NewDeal and OS/2
223 File List
224 Installation Help
228 CD-ROM Manager, Sony and NEC
238 XT, 8088, 8086 Computers
244 Automatically Start NewDeal
245 NewDeal and MS-DOS
252 How to Get Help
269 NewDeal and Windows NT
271 Windows 95 or 98 and NewDeal
280 NewDeal and Linux
281 Connecting To The Internet


Top of Page



257 Connect Feature in NewManager
255 Lantastic Networks
207 Launch Pad
256 Novell Networks
277 ODI Ethernet Driver
279 Other Networks
281 Connecting To The Internet
283 NewMail


Top of Page



205 Printer List
214 Printing Help, General
215 Printing Speed
218 Fax Support
225 Mail Merge
242 Unlisted Printers
247 Color Printing
249 Label Printing
251 Envelope printing
258 Sheet Feeders
259 Print to File
272 Printers, Printers, Printers
273 Print Drivers


Top of Page



203 NewComm Tips
218 Fax Support
225 Mail Merge
231 Launchers
233 Creating Custom Backgrounds
234 Banners in NewDraw
241 Bindery, Simple Instructions
249 Label Printing
257 Connect Feature in NewManager
261 Shortcut Keys, Quick Navigation
263 NewPlanner
274 Accessibility Options
275 Extras
281 Connecting To The Internet
282 All About Y2K
283 NewMail


Top of Page


Last Modified 20 Sep 1999

(Käyntejä 9.7.2020 alkaen 67, 1 tänään)
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