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About the Association..

Rannantaikaa väki ry does not attempt to make profit by its publications or by the functions it arranges. Instead it aims to further communications, be it through performing arts, written language or just by the possibility to meet other contemporary people.

To start with Rannantaikaa väki ry was established during spring 2004 to ensure the publication of the village paper (started in 2000) called ’Rannanpojat raikaa’ in the area of Hamina’s eastern shoreline villages, namely Mäntlahti, Pyötsaari and Rakila. Because the publisher of the paper changed from Gymnastic- and sportsclub called Mäntlahden Rannanpojat to Rannantaikaa Ry, the name of the paper was also changed into its current Rannantaikaa. During 2010 the 11th volume was already released in the neighbouring municipality and all around Finland. Both communities, Sydänkylä from Virolahti and Rakila from Hamina, use the paper as their main channel of information. The paper has also studied local history and published history, memoirs as well as the readers poems, novels, songs and other writings.

The association has published four books:  Mäntlahden kansakoulun muistokirja 2005 (second edition 2009), Pieni Värjäysopas 2005 (Mervi Värri/Hyppänen) and poems Kuudes aisti 2007 (Pirkko Soranta) and Tila Ihmisten välissä 2013 (Henni Kiri).

In addition to literary publications the association has also kept up-to-date extensive web pages since it was established. It has also produced an experimental picture story CD and studied the technical possibilities about publishing a virtual villagebook in the internet. Also large size prints (1x1m & 1x 1,5m) presenting local history have been made to order by digital printing and wallpaper technique.

The arranging of outdoor events was started in 2006 after aquiring suitable premises at a 100- year old farmhouse at Simonmäentie 18 which was named Rantaitupa.

Becoming a member of the association

You can become a member by paying a yearly fee of 12,00 € to the account number FI95 5506 0020 0615 50. Remember to add your name and address. You can also order the Rannantaikaa-paper without becoming a member by paying 20,00 € / year.


Ilkka Ahmavaara, translation in English Kati Forknall.




(Käyntejä 9.7.2020 alkaen 435, 1 tänään)