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About publishing..


taikasiipi läpinäkyväRannantaikaa väki ry was established to ensure the publication of Rannanpojat Raikaa village magazine. During 2003 began the Rannanpoikien Leader + Mäntlahti – Rakila – Pyötsaari Live plan. It caused quite a confusion in the whole association and the publishing of the magazine suddenly bumped into huge burocracy. Every single page of the magazine had to be checked by some group of ’unknown’ experts. In other words, as the layout proceeded we were requiered to print a copy of every page and deliver them to the chairman of the Rannanpojat for him to pass on.

It was clear that the magazine could not be published on time because the manual checking process was so slow. So during 2004 the publishers abandoned the whole ’board of editors’ and finally completed the magazine in the traditional style independently.

When Rannanpojat announced that they were actually a sports club and not a village society, it turned out that the magazine was completely the wrong sort; it did not resemble a sport magazine at all! So the publishers decided to establish their own association to continue publishing. The name of the registered association became Rannantaikaa väki ry and the name of the magazine Rannantaikaa ( Magic of the shore?)

It was specified in the rules of the new association that the publishers were completely independent so that nothing like the afore mentioned could happen again, just in case the publishers might become somehow unstable. Journalism as journalism and association as an association.

The Rannantaikaa magazine is presumably the most long-lived village magazine in the history of Finland (?).It seems that the tendency of the village magazines to fail is mainly due to to the disputes among the villagers and in the end nobody has the courage to write anything.
Since then the magazine has increased its readers and makers over the county border to Virolahti’s neighbouring villages. Also the summer residents are among the subscribers and writers of the magazine.
The only aim the publishers have is to produce all the offered material in printed form.

Every article that has ever been offered has been published.
After going through all the trouble of establishing a new association, it was clear to keep the services offered as versatile as possible. And so the Rannantaikaa väki ry has published books, cd-records, printed posters and arranged all kinds of other activities in Rantaitupa, its main office.


Ilkka Ahmavaara, translation in English Kati Forknall.



(Käyntejä 9.7.2020 alkaen 490, 1 tänään)