This page shows a summary of the data since midnight local time.
Today's data
Temperature and Humidity |
High Temperature |
-0,5 °C |
at 04:45 |
Low Temperature |
-0,9 °C |
at 02:13 |
Temperature Range |
0,4 °C |
High Apparent Temperature |
-3,2 °C |
at 05:12 |
Low Apparent Temperature |
-4,0 °C |
at 01:04 |
Low Wind Chill |
-0,9 °C |
at 02:14 |
High Heat Index |
-0,5 °C |
at 04:45 |
High Humidity |
75 % |
at 00:27 |
Low Humidity |
74 % |
at 00:00 |
Rainfall |
Rainfall Today |
0,0 mm |
Rainfall Rate Max |
0,0 mm/hr |
at 00:00 |
High Hourly Rainfall |
0,0 mm |
at 00:00 |
Days Since Last Dry Day |
0 |
Days Since It Last Rained |
15 |
Wind |
Highest Gust |
2,4 m/s |
at 04:45 |
Highest Speed (10 minute average) |
0,9 m/s |
at 01:04 |
Wind Run |
7,4 km |
Dominant Direction |
Etelä |
Pressure |
High Pressure (SL) |
1029,0 hPa |
at 00:00 |
Low Pressure (SL) |
1028,0 hPa |
at 03:26 |
This page shows a summary of the data for the 24 hrs up to midnight local time.
Yesterday's data
Temperature and Humidity |
High Temperature |
-0,4 °C |
at 11:02 |
Low Temperature |
-1,6 °C |
at 00:30 |
Temperature Range |
1,2 °C |
High Apparent Temperature |
-3,2 °C |
at 13:45 |
Low Apparent Temperature |
-6,1 °C |
at 01:34 |
Low Wind Chill |
-5,3 °C |
at 01:34 |
High Heat Index |
-0,4 °C |
at 11:02 |
High Humidity |
80 % |
at 04:47 |
Low Humidity |
72 % |
at 14:52 |
Rainfall |
Rainfall Yesterday |
0,0 mm |
Rainfall Rate Max |
0,0 mm/hr |
at 00:00 |
High Hourly Rainfall |
0,0 mm |
at 00:00 |
Wind |
Highest Gust |
5,2 m/s |
at 01:58 |
Highest Speed (10 minute average) |
2,8 m/s |
at 01:33 |
Wind Run |
96,0 km |
Dominant Direction |
Et/Lou |
Pressure |
High Pressure (SL) |
1029,0 hPa |
at 15:41 |
Low Pressure (SL) |
1027,0 hPa |
at 00:00 |